Lion Long Lastic


  • Lion Long Lastic is a high shear and tensile improved PU based cladding adhesive to use on any construction material to fix any tile on any surface. It is recommended for various kinds of natural stone i.e. marble, granite. slate etc. and total range of tiles. Lion Long Lastic has property of no vertical slip due to high tensile and shear strength so con be recommended for interior and exteriorcladding and flooring.


  • High flexibility., Accommodate vibrations and shock., High bond and Non-staining., High chemical resistance. Waterand UV resistance, Permanent bond.,Any tile on any surface

Recommended For

  • Natural stone i.e. Granite, Marble, Kota, Slate Ceramic and vitrified Porcelain and design tile Glass bricks and glass mosaics Quartz and handmadetile Composite marble and artificial tile Wall and floor Interiorand exterior Wood, metal, glass any su rface without oil/g reas


  • Lion Long Lastic is prepared by mixing together partAand B from downwards to upwards, using a low -rev (=100/min.) helicoidal agitator, respecting the present of 2: 1 of the packs. Pour part B into the bucket containing PartA. be careful by while mixing two parts uniformly until a smooth and even coloured mixture is obtained. Surface where, tile is to be fixed -must be dry, in line and level and well cured. Colour : White Pot Life :@1 hour, open time: 1 hour. Coverage : 1kg = 5-7 sq. ft. Grouting : 12 hourwallsl= 24 hours floors mixing partA: Part B = 2:1 Apply Between : +10°cto 50°C with suitable notches trowel


  • 1kg/ 5 kg bucket

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