Lion SNFAdmixture is a Sulphonated Naphthalene formaldehyde polymer based high range water reducing admixture which is to be added to the mixture at the job site or during the batching process to improves the placing and finishing characteristics of concrete. There are no added chlorides and Lion SNF Admixture will not promote corrosion of steel. Lion SNF Admixture is specially designed to give high water reductions up to 15% without loss of workability and reduce permeability to produce huge quality concrete. It is compatible with airentraining agents, water proofing agents, and many other admixtures, however, each material should be added to the concrete separately.
Reduces W/C ratio upto15%.
Improve slump and reduce permeability.
Lower water requirement for given workability.
Easir placing, better compaction and finishing.
Chloride content.
Lower cement contentforspecified strength.
Increases strength and durability of concrete.
higher cohesion increased workability. o Reduces risk of segregation and bleeding.
Recommended For
General Purpose Ready Mix Concrete.
Can be used in precast concrete work.
Mass concrete work.
LowW/C ratio concrete.
Structural R.C.C. concrete.
High Slump, Flowable concrete.
Heavyindustrial construction.
Technical Specification
Form : Liquid
Colour : Dark Brown
Chloride Content : Nil as peris : 456
Compressive Strength : 43-45 Nlmm2
PH : 7-8
Lion SNFAdmixture can be dosed in the range of 0.4 % to 1.2 % be weight of cement. The dosage can further be enhanced to 0.8 depending on climatic situations. But it always
advisable to go for trial mix to determine the optimum dosage.