Lion Stone Filler


  • Lion Stone Filler is a blend of specially selected cements, polypropylene fibers, fillers, high grade pigments and synthetic organic polymers. It is polymer modified and highly water resist, peel proof and crack prooftilejointfilleravailable in more than 36 attractive colours. Suitable for more than 5mm & up to 15mmjointwidth lt complies to BS 5385.

Surface Treatment

  • Surface must be properly clean. away from grease, oil and dust. Surface Must be sufficientflat to permit the specified flatness of finished tiling. Not recommended to use on metal, wood, paint and fully glazed backgrounds. (Forany requirement please contact company’s technical department.)


  • Can be used forfillingjoints of various kinds oftiles and stones.
  • Easy to use and consistent in quality.
  • Highly water resistant & peel proof.
  • Highly stain resistance /Acid proof. High damp resistance. Available in attractive colour range.


  • Tilejoint must be clean. free from any dust or other contaminates. Fill the joints minimum after 24 hours

  • from tile fixed with chemical. Mixjoint filler and water in 3: 1 ratio. Wait for ten minutes for proper chemical action. Fill the joint properly. Clean the extra joint filler from tile surface with wet cotton cloth after I .5 hours. Clean the joints with dry cotton cloth after 24 hours. Add Grout liquid is recommended for high strength & impart bonding, weather resistance &durability.
  • NOTE : Material is produced under strict supervision by using quality materials, the use and application of these products ore made without guarantee since the conditions of their application are beyond its control and this Dalo Sheet version is the latest one. The company may modify it withoutprior notice.

Recommented For

  • Ideal for all kind of joints in Exterior Walls & Exterior Floors. Pavers Flooring, Parking area, etc. Ideal ForVitrified, Kota, Marble & Granite Flooring.

Technical Specifications

  • Density : Wet: l .85 kg / litr Dry: l .78 kg/ltr
  • Compressive strength : 34.45 Nlmm2 @ 28 days
  • Flexural strength : 3.65 N/mmz @28 days
  • Working time : 30 minutes
  • Curing : minimum 48 hours
  • Mixing Ratio :Approx 0.32 to 0.34 % by weight of Stone filler 1 .6 to 1.7 literwater per 5 kg stone filler
  • Colours :As pershade card


  • Available in 1 kg pouch


  • Factory sealed bag of this product are guaranteed to be offirst quality for One (1 ) year* if stored off the ground in a dryarea. *High humidity will reduce the shelf life of bagged product.

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